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CLASSES in driftwood sculpture are offered at regular intervals by award-winning, certified instructor Tuttie Peetz in her studio near Sequim. Tuttie has won numerous awards with her driftwood sculptures.

'Enchanted Heron' by Instructor Tuttie Peetz
TUTTIE'S TEACHING PHILOSOPHY is to guide the student to recognize and bring out the spirit of the wood. She believes that once an individual learns the processes and techniques, they may go anywhere the wood takes them. Her motto is "design always takes precedence over detail". Students learn to develop a rough piece of found wood into a lovely, smooth, and shapely sculpture, with proper cleaning, sanding, shaping, and polishing. Attention is paid to the final stage of the process, which is the selection and incorporation of the proper base to complete the sculpture.
Miscellaneous Information
Name tags ($5-$8 each) are available at Peninsula Awards and Trophies 241 E. Washington, Sequim, (360) 633-8842.
Aprons are available for purchase ($27) at meetings. We wear them at meetings and when working at shows. It helps identify us to our guests.
All information contained herein is for the express use of members and is not to be disseminated to the general public without consent.
For more information about classes, contact
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